Sunday worship at First Mennonite reflects our Anabaptist values. We gather to affirm our faith – a faith rooted in Jesus, expressed in community, and committed to reconciliation in our lives and around the world.
At First Mennonite, we welcome you to come as you are! We strive to be a community where all feel welcome and supported. Dress however you are most comfortable worshiping, from jeans to Sunday best! Children of all ages are welcome and loved at our Sunday worship services! To support families, activity bags are available for young children, and a nursery is available behind the sanctuary for you to care for your infant as needs arise throughout the service. Hearing assistance devices as well as large print hymnals and bulletins are available upon request. We serve gluten, soy, and nut-free communion. A typical service begins with opening music and a community call to worship. Hymn singing, scripture reading, and a children’s time usually lead into a message from one of our pastors or an invited speaker. During our sharing time, we pray together for joys and concerns raised within our worship community as well as those around the world. Our “focus on mission” moment often highlights work of peace and reconciliation in our congregation, our community, the wider Mennonite church, and the world. Throughout the year, we observe communion once a month and hold special services such as hymn sings, baptism, and a youth Sunday. After each service, everyone is invited to Sip & Chat, a fellowship time where fair trade coffee and tea is served. Our worship services are enriched by the gifts of many congregants. At First Mennonite, you won’t see just one or two people up front! Each quarter, more than 50 families are involved in Sunday morning services, serving as scripture readers, song leaders, musicians, children’s time leaders or ushers. Others offer their gifts behind the scenes, preparing visuals for the sanctuary, art for the bulletins, or bread for communion. Congregational singing is an important aspect of every worship service. Together, we sing traditional and contemporary hymns from around the world, using the Voices Together songbook. In addition to a cappella and traditional piano, a service might feature guitar, banjo, violins, or African drums. We would love for you to join us on Sunday morning as we worship, share, and go out into the world doing the work of Jesus. |
At First Mennonite Church we are striving to be a distinctively Christ-shaped community that is actively engaged in the compassion, shalom and justice of the Gospel. We don't think we can or should do this alone. We invite you to join us wherever you are on your journey. |