January 19, 2025 - in the Fellowship Hall
Anabaptism at 500 -- Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday Centering Music Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship: #921 Prayer for Peace & Lighting Peace Lamp Songs: #797 We Are People of God’s Peace #791 Let Justice Flow Down Children’s time An Anabaptism Q & A Song: #622 Jesus, Rock of Ages Scripture Discussion: 1 Corinthians 3:11 Song: #482 Let us break bread together Communion*, Offering, and Prayer Sharing of Joys and Concerns Sending Song: #840 God be with you till we meet again Benediction *All who desire to receive Christ’s love and grace for their lives are welcome at the communion table. All elements are gluten/soy/dairy/nut free. Children are welcome to receive crackers. Parents are encouraged to have a conversation with their teen or older child to discern their readiness for receiving the bread and cup. _____________________________________________ The service will NOT be recorded live and posted on YouTube. |
Preservice & Communion music: Mary Forney, Alisa Kandel, Rhonda Miller Worship leader: Nancy Halder Song leader: Rhonda Miller Anabaptism Q & A: Nancy Halder, Marc Schlegel-Preheim Children’s time: Allison Goertz Communion elements: Kathy Ropp Ushers: Rosie & Bill Hochstetler Greeters: Becky & Dean Rhodes Technical Assistance: Mary Issah, Lee Turnbull |