October 6, 2024
A People of HOPE Centering Music Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship Hear us, oh God. Heal, restore, and cover us with hope, filling us with your peace. Living One, give us hope. Inspire us and give us wisdom to recognize where you are creating new ways of being. Creative One, mold us as Your living hope. Shift our perspective so that even in the darkest times, we see and cherish the smallest pinpoints of light. Most loving One, grant us hope. God of hope, come from the four winds and breathe upon all who need hope. Lighting of the Peace Lamp & Prayer for Peace Songs: #28 Come, Christians, Join to Sing (v. 1-3) #389 Together (v. 1, 2, 4) #23 Hamba Nathi (Come, walk with us) Children’s time Scripture: Psalm 95: 1-2 Message: How Can I Keep from Singing? Song: #605 My life flows on Communion* and Offering Congregational prayer Song of sending: #815 Sizohamba naye (We will walk with God) Blessing Sharing of Joys and Concerns Benediction *All who desire to receive Christ’s love and grace for their lives are welcome at the communion table. All elements are gluten/soy/dairy/nut free. Children are welcome to receive crackers. Parents are encouraged to have a conversation with their teen or older child to discern their readiness for receiving the bread and cup. _____________________________________________ The service will be recorded live and posted on YouTube. |
Preservice & Communion music: Tony Brenneman Worship leader: Marc Schlegel-Preheim Song leader: Alisa Kandel Proclaimer: Rachel Swartzendruber Miller Children's time: Nicole Elliott Scripture reader: Ruth Brenneman Communion servers: Bob Miller, Donna Beth & Paul Wiebe, Sherrill Yoder, Linea, Elsa, Kit Rochford Communion elements: Barb Freyenberger Ushers: Dawn Krabill, Ruth Brenneman Greeters: Erma Edwards & Del Coppinger Technical Assistance: Lee Turnbull, Nate Elliott Visuals: Adrian Guirola, Emily Hooley |